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Most of our members use HealthExpress 365 virtual care health programs as a complement to their health insurance. Some decide it is a smart financial strategy to combine a lower-premium high-deductible health insurance plan with the HealthExpress 365 health services. High-deductible insurance can serve as a backup to cover unforeseen significant needs like hospitalizations, while our preventive approach meets most day-to-day health care needs with huge savings. HealthExpress 365 health programs include unlimited 24/365 teledoctor visits, home lab/virtual check-ups, low telemedicine prescriptions, mental health, addiction therapy, and a customized health app accessible from the comfort of your home or on-to-go. Our health programs will help you save deductible, copay, and prescription dollars typically associated with health insurance, and empower you to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Yes! At HealthExpress 365 we believe that everyone deserves affordable and accessible health care. It is important to understand that our program is not health insurance and is not a substitute for comprehensive health insurance with hospital and surgical coverage, but we can help with most daily health, wellness, and preventative health care needs. We encourage anyone who can afford it, to maintain a separate comprehensive health insurance plan of their choosing to cover services that are not included in our program such as hospitalizations. Our program will help you save deductible, copay, and prescription dollars typically associated with health insurance, and empower you to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Absolutely! You can have up to 7 family members from anywhere in the United States in our family health program and they do not need to live in the same household. Plus, there is no deadline for adding them!
The quickest way is to sign up for an individual or family health program on our website. Once your benefits are active (typically 2-3 business days after you sign-up) we will send an email confirmation with instructions on how to access your Member Portal where you can schedule your appointment. Alternatively, you can start a chat in the bottom right corner of our website or call us toll-free at 1 (800) 920-3997. If you are already a member, please login to the portal and select Telemedicine.
The quickest way is to sign up for an individual or family health program on our website. Once your benefits are active (typically 2-3 business days after you sign-up) we will send an email confirmation with instructions on how to access your Member Portal where you can order tests for all adult members. Alternatively, you can start a chat in the bottom right corner of our website or call us toll-free at 1 (800) 920-3997.
The quickest way is to sign up for an individual or family health program on our website. Once your benefits are active (typically 2-3 business days after you sign-up) we will send an email confirmation with instructions on how to access your Member Portal where you can search for your medications, update, and verify your prescriptions and we’ll do the rest. We will send an order for your medication to the pharmacy of your choice, or ship it directly to your door. Alternatively, you can start a chat in the bottom right corner of our website or call us toll-free at 1 (800) 920-3997. If you are already a member, please login to the portal and select Pharmacy RX Savings.
The quickest way is to sign up for an individual or family health program on our website. Once your benefits are active (typically 2-3 business days after you sign-up) we will send an email confirmation with instructions on how to access your Member Portal. From there, you can upload your bill and our expert medical advocates negotiate directly with hospitals and care providers, on behalf of our members, with the goal of achieving discounted bills and brokering payment terms. Alternatively, you can start a chat in the bottom right corner of our website or call us toll-free at 1 (800) 920-3997. If you are already a member, please login to the portal and select Medical Bill Negotiations.
Once you are enrolled for a HealthExpress 365 health program, you’ll be able to access your HealthExpress 365 Navigo RX card in your 365members health portal by logging in with your username and password. If you need assistance, please start a chat in the bottom right corner of our website or call us toll-free at 1 (800) 920-3997.
Call us toll-free at 1 (800) 920-3997 or start a chat in the bottom right corner of our website.

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