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Get Our Lifesaving In-Home Health Test - An $800 Value At No Cost, If you Sign-Up Today!

We’ve Made Your Annual Health Exam Very Simple

As a HealthExpress 365 member every adult family member receives a free In-Home Health Test once a year.
Each In-Home Health Test allows members to track & monitor their health
with more accurate, comprehensive, and precise results right from your phone.

Simple and Easy
Life Saving Test

Our self-collect health test is done in the privacy and safety of your own home and can detect life-threatening health conditions in all vital organs including heart, kidney, liver, diabetes, cholesterol, GI tract, thyroid, hormones, and many forms of cancer.

40% of all the annual deaths in the U.S. could be prevented if they had a simple annual checkup

We Monitor Your
Overall Health 24-7-365

Early detection helps prevent many common diseases and can help save lives. The In-Home Health Test monitors your overall health and alerts your doctor to any potential health risks such as:

  • Lipids – Heart / Liver / Cholesterol TG, HDL, LDL (Heart Disease, Liver Disease)
  • HbA1c (Diabetes)
  • Thyroid Panel – TSH, TPO. T3, T4 (Hormones, weight, temperature, energy)
  • Creatinine (Kidney Function)
  • FIT – Colorectal Cancer Screening
  • Many forms of cancer

We’ve made your annual health exam process very quick and simple:

  • Collect your sample

    Sign-up today and we’ll send you the In-Home Health Test. It comes in a small, custom box and you can return your sample on the same day, using the prepaid shipping label provided in our test kit.

  • Review Your Labs Results

    Once your sample arrives in the laboratory, confidential results will be available from your secure online 365Members Health Portal account within 2 to 5 days.

  • Set Doctor Appointment

    Simply go to your 365Members health portal and request your teledoctor to review your labs and provide a health evaluation.


See How It Works

Connect With Us

For questions, please email us here or chat with us live now!